Welcome to the wayOUT style guide. We ask that you use this when working with wayOUT or one of our chapters. If a need arises to create assets that are not aligned with the wayOUT style guide, please work with your chapter representative or submit your request HERE. We are so excited to be working with you!
Please use only the approved wayOUT logos below. The preferred option is to use the full color logo whenever possible.

Primary Logo

Black Logo

Knock Out Logo
Keep the proportions of the logo at all times. Please leave a minimum clear space of the width of our logo typeface.

Don't skew the logo.

Do leave a minimum clear space.
The wayOUT colors can be used indivdually or together. However, when using only a single color, the preference is for our Electric Violet to be the primary color that represents wayOUT.
R: 25
G: 146
B: 0
Electric Violet
R: 163
G: 37
B: 241
R: 38
G: 40
B: 190
R: 0
G: 186
B: 166
When the colors are used together, the order should be Tangerine, then Electric Violet, then Cobalt, then Jade, left to right and/or top to bottom. When used as a "stripe" this is known as the "wayOUT Rainbow" as seen below.

wayOUT Rainbow

wayOUT Gradient
wayOUT will sometimes use the "Party Parrot" emoji as a symbol of ultimate wayOUT celebration and joy when messaging or communicating. This may be used as an unofficial wayOUT logo in select circumstances with permission.
Rainbows are often used as a symbol of the LGBTQIA+ community. When using or creating rainbow illustrations in reference to wayOUT using traditional rainbow colors, please use all colors that represent the inclusive community whenever possible: (Black, Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Light Blue, Light Pink, White).

Party Parrot
Inclusive Rainbow Color Order
LANGUAGE/COPY: For more succinct communications, wayOUT typically uses the acronym LGBTQ+ when referencing our community. However, in public speaking engagements and when possible, the preference is to use the acronym LGBTQIA+. wayOUT strives to use inclusive language at all times including the usage of the word "folks" when referring to a group of people. The wayOUT tone should be casual, playful, and cheeky using American English spelling and punctuation.
TYPOGRAPHY: Please see typography guidelines for wayOUT communications.

Phosphate Inline
Neutraface 2 Bold
Body Copy
Neutraface 2 Book
Detail Copy
Neutraface 2 Light